en español

Dear NUSD Community,

A couple of things came up today that I thought I should share with you.

The first is regarding State Superintendent, Tony Thurmond’s statements yesterday (that were echoed by Governor Newsom today) in which he said, “Due to the current safety concerns and needs for ongoing social distancing it currently appears that our students will not be able to return to school campuses before the end of the school year.” I think what Superintendent Thurmond was doing with this statement was preparing us for this possibility and also urging school districts to be prepared for digital learning for the rest of the year. He did not make a decision, nor did he make a recommendation. We will continue to work closely with our public health partners on this critical decision and will also support a decision from either Governor Newsom or Superintendent Thurmond should that time come.

The second topic is in regards to our playgrounds and fields. As you all know, the shelter in place order for Marin County was updated on March 31, 2020. The new shelter in place contains the following language, “Use of playgrounds, dog parks, public picnic areas, and similar recreational areas is prohibited. Those areas must be closed to public use.” Sadly, I need to inform you that we will be using caution tape to remind our community that all NUSD play structures are off limits during the shelter in place order.

Additionally, the shelter in place order states, “Sports requiring people to share a ball or other equipment must be limited to people in the same household.” We need to follow these rules for our community. Please know this is difficult for me to share as someone who lives for his time outside and who is very active. I appreciate each of you who chooses to support these rules even though it will be hard.

These are challenging and unprecedented times. Know that each time you make a sacrifice by not going to the park or by not meeting up with a friend, etc., you could be saving a life. Thanks for all that you are doing.


Kris Cosca