California Standards, K-12

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)

  • Domain Information Sheets (link coming soon..)
  • Practice Tests (link coming soon..)

Supporting Newcomers

NUSD is fortunate to be able to welcome students and families that are new to the United States.  Our Newcomer students and families (who have been in the U.S. for three years or less) come to us with unique assets and experiences that enrich our community.  While students who are new to the country may be learning a new language, they are also learning how to navigate a new culture.

Newcomers Tool Kit

The Newcomer Tool Kit provides (1) discussion of topics relevant to understanding, supporting, and engaging newcomer students and their families; (2) tools, strategies, and examples of classroom and schoolwide practices in action, along with chapter-specific professional learning activities for use in staff meetings or professional learning communities; and (3) selected resources for further information and assistance, most of which are available online at no cost.