Gate by Grade Level

In the NUSD, grades 3-5 students in GATE are grouped together by forming clusters within the heterogeneous class.
At the middle school level, students in GATE are clustered within core subject classes in grades 6-8. In math, students are placed in heterogeneous classrooms.
At the high school level, all students (those in GATE or not) have the opportunity to be admitted into Honors and Advanced Placement classes.  The visual and performing arts classes base entrance into advanced classes on auditions.
New Students in Grades 3-8 Previously Identified as Gifted in Former District: Previously identified gifted students who enter NUSD are considered for GATE identification as determined by the NUSD’s GATE identification criteria. Parents should provide their student’s GATE identification paperwork to their school office. The paperwork needs to include: 1. document that certifies that the student was in a gifted program, and 2. name of assessment measure(s) and student’s scores used to qualify the student for GATE.

Additional information for the GATE page

Because the CogAT is not related to grade level standards, teachers do not use the results to assess students’ progress at school. CogAT results have no impact on students’ access to accelerated, honors, or advanced courses in future years. Because the CogAT content is challenging and is used for the purpose of GATE identification, the testing may not be necessary for all students. In particular, it may cause anxiety in some students and not be in their best interest to participate. Our district does not recommend any materials for CogAT preparation. Students are encouraged to take the CogAT with minimal test preparation so that we get an accurate measure of the students’ reasoning skills.