En Espanol

May 13, 2021

VLA families,

If your child is currently enrolled in special education there is a Disability Workshop on Thursday, May 13, 2021. Please read below for more information.

We invite you to join us for a Disability Awareness Workshop facilitated by our partner, Sam Drazin with Changing Perspectives. When we encourage our children to consider their differences, we create opportunities to honor individual strengths and weaknesses. Young people who feel confident in their uniqueness can advocate for themselves and are able to collaborate and communicate with their peers in safe, respectful ways. Together we will focus on how parents and caregivers can help their children gain awareness, confidence, and self-advocacy skills related to their disability. This workshop will define the concept of disability awareness and offer specific strategies for parents on supporting disability awareness at home. Time for Q & A will follow the presentation. NUSD SpEd Night RSVP May 2021 Join Zoom Meeting – https://nusd-org.zoom.us/j/82280890016


Elizabeth Sesma-Olinyk

VLA District Principal