We are committed to our partnership with our parents and caregivers who work collaboratively with NUSD staff to ensure students with exceptional needs benefit from their individualized educational program. Parent and caregiver involvement is critical for improving services and outcomes for children with disabilities.

This survey is for parents and/or primary caregivers of students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). By completing this survey you will help inform the training and resources NUSD provides for staff and families regarding special education. The survey is intended to be user-friendly and should take approximately 10 minutes of your time to complete. Your response to this survey is intended to reflect you and your child’s overall special education experience while enrolled in the Novato Unified School District. If you have more than one child who receives special education services, you may complete one survey for each child. Your response is anonymous and will be combined with responses from other parents/guardians throughout the district.

To complete the NUSD Special Education Survey, use the following link: https://forms.gle/oKzteRfkKFs2TdZr9

All surveys received by 3pm on 3/19/2021 will be used to inform our ongoing efforts to improve the quality of special education in the Novato Unified School District.

Your input is valuable to the process and we appreciate you taking the time to thoughtfully reflect on your overall special education experience while enrolled in the Novato Unified School District. The results will assist the NUSD Special Education Team in planning future training and professional opportunities.

If you have questions or need assistance in completing the survey, please contact Sally Carbonaro, Special Education Administrative Assistant, at (415) 897-4265 or by email at [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your participation, and we look forward to hearing from you.


We invite you to join us to review the results of the NUSD Special Education Survey. This event will also provide families the opportunity to connect with other members of the special education community and participate in an NUSD Special Education Q&A. The thoughts and questions collected from the RSVP form prior to Friday, 3/19/21, will be used to build the Q&A agenda.

SpEd Parent Night RSVP March 2021 – Please submit thoughts and questions prior to 3/19/21.

Join Zoom Meeting – https://nusd-org.zoom.us/j/81076612316