California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is California’s statewide student assessment system. Results of these assessments inform parents and educators on their students’ continual progress for each grade level and college and career readiness. 

Pursuant to California Education Code 60615, parents/guardians may submit to the school a written request to excuse their child from any or all parts of CAASPP.  Students who opt out of the grade 11 CAASPP do not qualify for the State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB) (EC 51461(a)2).  

The Early Assessment Program (EAP) uses the grade 11 Smarter Balanced summative assessments in English Language Arts and math to identify students who are ready for college-level credit-bearing English and math courses. To ensure alignment with Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 6162.51, CAASPP scores will no longer be on student transcripts. As always, students will be able to opt in to voluntarily send their CAASPP scores by checking a box during the actual administration of the test, as noted below. Grade 11 students may choose to release their test results to the California State University (CSU) and participating California Community Colleges (CCC) at the end of the online tests.


English Learner Assessments

English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) – State and federal law require that local educational agencies administer a state test of English language proficiency (ELP) to eligible students in kindergarten through grade twelve. The California Department of Education  transitioned from the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) to the ELPAC as the state ELP assessment in 2017-18. There are two separate ELP assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English Learners given when students (whose home language is other than English) enter NUSD, and a second for the annual summative assessment to measure a student’s progress in learning English and to identify the student’s level of ELP. Parents and students may review the ELPAC Practice Tests.

Physical Fitness Test 

Physical Fitness Test (PFT) – PFT assesses the physical fitness of students in grades 5, 7 and 9 in the following areas: aerobic capacity, body composition, upper body strength, abdominal strength, trunk strength, and flexibility. Students are scored as “within the Healthy Fitness Zone,” or “Needs Improvement – Some Risk,” or “Needs Improvement – Health Risk.” To pass the PFT, students must have 5 of 6 fitness standards “within” the Healthy Fitness Zone.

District GATE Assessments

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) – CogAT is used to initially identify students who are eligible for the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program. This test consists of three batteries, which measure verbal, quantitative and nonverbal abilities. For more information on GATE Testing Click Here. For more information about NUSD’s Gate program Click Here.

High School Advanced Placement Assessments

Special Education Assessments

Requests for assessments of preschool age children are handled by the Special Education Department. Please call NUSD’s Early Intervention program at 415-493-4606 if you would like to speak with someone regarding this type of evaluation or assessment.