(Novato, CA)…  San Marin High School students Nihal Nazeem and Marie Fehring are busy making face masks for Novato’s first responders using the school’s 3D printers and have already provided over 40 face masks and working on producing over 150.

San Marin STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Program parent Chris Fehring asked if the two 3D printers could be used to produce face

masks as many STEM programs across the country are using them to produce personal protective equipment. Once the students were shown the proper way of handling the equipment using masks and gloves and appropriate social distance protocols, they were given the okay. Both Nihal and Marie have a 3-D printer at their home, using all the safety precautions, and producing masks.  STEM Marin (https://stemmarin.nusd.org/) donated the funds to make the masks.  San Marin Sports Boosters also supports the project.

Both Nihal Nazeem and Marie Fehring are in the San Marin STEM Program as well as active members in the Robotics Club.  Nihal is President and Marie is Safety Captain of the First Robotics Club 2551 (https://www.penguinempirerobotics.org/).

Photos:  Right:  SMHS Student Marie Fehring

Below:  Katrina Fehring