NUSD TK-8 Dual Language Immersion Program

NUSD Dual Immersion Program

The Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program provides both native- and Spanish-dominant speakers and native- and English-dominant speakers the opportunity to learn to read, write, and communicate effectively in Spanish and in English while achieving high levels of academic achievement in both languages. This is an “additive bilingual” program, meaning that students’ first language continues to be strengthened and augmented while they are gaining a second language. In addition, students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of and an appreciation for other cultures, develop high self-esteem, and experience positive interactions with people from other cultures and countries. 

Participation in the DLI program begins in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) or kindergarten, and students remain in the program through 5th grade at a minimum and may continue into secondary in order to reach and maintain high levels of literacy and proficiency in both languages. Both Spanish-dominant and English-dominant students are placed in the same classroom. Ideally, 50% of the in each DLI classroom should be Spanish-dominant students, and the other 50% should be English-dominant students. Bilingual students may also be included in the DLI program. However, in any classroom configuration, Spanish-dominant speakers should make up no less than 30% and no more than 70% of the class, as they serve as strong models for the partner learners (the English-dominant speakers.)

NUSD Dual Language Immersion Program
NUSD Dual Language Immersion Program